Farewell to Flesh, Here the mask!

Space is no longer something we move through, space moves through us. And from this panorama orientated to a singularity, we are not outside the event but at the vanishing point within. Among lost futures and territories redrawn apertures flicker. What present are we trying to describe? The clock is to time as the mirror is to space.  And the illusion that the sun has returned to orbit us, returns us to the centre of all things. Hyperbolic interiors and sealed horizons. Utopia of the digital age? We have been expecting you, welcome! Here is the masquerade
This pulse through the lived experience of entire nations, is a community recalling its history according to a new calendar, a historical collective time. These symbolic holidays of the remote and the local produce the interminable present in which we share the stopped clock of chronostasis. Locked in time, the mirror can’t catch but the camera can. Here the mask hides
He indicates a point in space outside the circumference of the tree…the tree felled and peeled slivers of veneer sheets shift to shuttering ply on shut up shops. Growth rings become tide marks, and there are knots in time to join dot to dot for daily slides. May Day, Notting Hill, Lockdown. No man’s land crept inside the city walls. Here the mask guards
The virtuality of the real estate with private platforms and public displays. A people without a place, occupying and connecting. Volatile landscapes and dreams of old fears in displaced logic, losing and being lost. The horizon not as boundary but as threshold only described with movement, where we fall outside ourselves. The present and past is internal and the present and future is external. Here the mask conceals
Do our senses have a future? Discrete images and diagrams as gestures, all representations of the physical can be removed. Illusionary worlds and infinite patience join the hushed ambient vibrations of shifting rocks and surface waves. The uncanny precision of the spectral action as celestial figures cast stereonets on cosmic crash sites. Time happens as we see the mirror image before the mirror itself. Here the mask charms
Conditioned environments of the reterritorialization of consciousness data, occupied ecologies. Orbits that trace rituals and take in the absolute, from the single point to everything from all sides, the loop back and back up, full circle. In temporal shifts repeated, myths reveal contingencies and blind spots. Ambi as inside and outside and to go around. Ambient as the breath embedded in identity and duration, a short time in the immediate sphere of the surround.  Here the mask returns.

* Pippa Connolly is a UK artist living in London.