Matt Collishaw
United Kingdom

En "la máscara de la juventud", Mat Collishaw habla sobre las máscaras que Elizabeth I usó durante su vida. La manipulación de la verdad y la realidad es su primer interés. La obra refleja directamente una de las pinturas más importantes de la colección del museo, el icónico retrato de la armada I de Elizabeth. A Elizabeth I no me gustaba posar para retratos, así que muchas pinturas fueron hechas de otras representaciones de ella. Llevaba maquillaje con mucho plomo que consumía su piel facial, por lo que su rostro real reflejado en las pinturas se debió a una manipulación inventada por ella y el artista. Su imagen fue idealizada para presentar una apariencia inmortal. Collishaw crea una máscara que trata de revelar la verdadera apariencia de Elizabeth I, además de representar una forma mecánica. El trabajo de Collishaw explora las nociones de mortalidad, propaganda política y la imaginación colectiva que une a las mujeres en apariencia y juventud.

In “the mask of youth” Mat Collishaw discussed the Elizabeth I masks wore during her life.The manipulation of truth and reality is his first interest. The work reflects  directly to one of the most important paintings in the museum's collection, the iconic portrait of Elizabeth's I navy. Elizabeth´s I didn't like to pose for portraits, so many paintings were made from other representations of her. She wore makeup with a lot of lead that consumed her facial skin, so her real face reflected in the paintings was due to a manipulation invented by her and the artist. His image was idealized to present an immortal appearance. Collishaw  creates a mask that tries to reveal Elizabeth's I true appearance as well as representing a mechanical form. The artist collaborated with special effects designers using advanced technology to create an animatronic mask that depicts Elizabeth's I appearance at the age as the portrait was painted. Collishaw's work explores notions of mortality, political propaganda, and the collective imagination that links women in appearance and youth.
